Eaton: Ridiculous wife alienate sleep apnea machine, bring peace

Eaton: Ridiculous wife alienate sleep apnea machine, bring peace

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Eaton: Ridiculous wife alienate sleep apnea machine, bring peace

People who agree to use the CPAP machine, as I have, despair. They are beyond tired during the day. Their own because you can never complain about being tired and get sympathy or understanding. Try It. The next time you're in a meeting with three people or more, mention to them that you feel dead tired, really tired. They will all be over you with their own story.
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night and found someone had attached a leaf blower to your face and leave it on. Now imagine grateful they did.
"You can not sleep during the night? Try two years! I do not have a good night's sleep in two years."
We have decided that the importance and success do not have time to sleep.
Welcome to the world CPAP machine. CPAP stands at an alarming Crushing Pride Pace. Once you wear a CPAP mask, you are no longer able to generate anything but affection. You must accept the fact that if you need a sleep apnea machine, nobody is going to hug you again when you fall asleep - except, of course, your wife is an intensive care nurse who really loves his job.

There are two scientific ways you can determine if you have sleep apnea:

1. Ask one of your friends is less empathy to sit beside your bed and wait for your alarm to go. When it does, ask him to give you two choices. You can get right at that moment, or you can sleep for 10 minutes more but he will turn on Rush Limbaugh on full volume and beat you with a stick for 10 minutes it. If you choose to mental and physical beating, you may have sleep apnea.
2. You can go to test all night where you wire them with tubes and sensors and all sorts of things futuristic and then challenge you to sleep while strangers staring at you all night. If you agree with this and are willing to pay you a part of a big bill, you may have sleep apnea.

After getting past this annoying setback, I decided this was a chance to prove once and for all that I was out of the machine bed. If I could go to the gym and work out five times a week, for crying out loud, I can certainly breathe alone at night, I think.
Two days ago, I went home and found that my dog is usually good Sundance accidentally locked in our bedroom for about an hour when I left. He showed his anger by chewing holes in a variety of things and gnawing through the straps that usually hold my leaf blower to my face.
I found myself standing in a store where they sell potties elevated, hikers and all the supplies you will need to be one of the cool people in a nursing home. I found the sleep apnea mask and find a brochure that shows very handsome, fit man with a long tube attached to the middle of her face as she is a human / elephant hybrid of the future. His wife was so beautiful it curled him as he had died and gone to heaven because he is the world's most attractive men elephant. Obviously he pretends to be an intensive care nurse.
You do not just walk in and buy the equipment you need when it comes to sleep apnea thing because people who sell them are planning to sell it to you again and again for the rest of your life because they think your insurance company will pay for all this. It is designed to quickly wear out. You go to the office as you will try to negotiate a good deal on a car. It takes a long time. I do not mind; I just sit in front of my sales guy and let my spirit roam riding electric scooter shop a little about. He finally stopped talking to me for fear of him and me too much.
I found the negative sleep. That bed was so bad that it is worse than no sleep at all. I finally woke up after waking up suddenly gasping 250 times. I do not feel fresh. I spent the rest of the day had a short out-of-body experience, be very surprised every time someone spoke to me and wondered if I somehow got stuck in a very boring, endless dream.
I wonder if John Lennon secretly have sleep apnea machine that he hid when he did the famous "bed-in" with Yoko. He and Paul McCartney was, after all, wrote these words:
Now I'm awake and grateful to be alive. I was tired but I can change the station if someone turned on the radio, and I will not let anyone, friend or foe, to come to my house, smiling and carrying a bat. You can call me old. You can call me weak. Just do not take my leaf blower way. And do not wake me up in the morning.
I can relate, I'm just going to sing, "All I'm saying is give the engine a chance." ...

Please, do not wake me up. No, do not shake me. Leave me where I am. I just sleep.

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